
RYK – Milkrecording

RYK Fonden
Since 1895 recording and data management has been solid rocks behind our dairy industry. Strong decisions come from strong data behind it. History has proven the concept of DHI. Farmers and employees in DHI have over 125 years developed the service and what is in it. 
No one was afraid of new tools. Most of this work added extra values to milk recording.
Today the service is the same as in 1895, but the tools are different. 
The goal is still to support the dairy industry in adding value to our proud industry.

Who we are

RYK is the abbreviation of the Danish words for Registration and Milk recording. The organisation was founded in 2002 by a merge of 27 local recording associations. 

RYK monitor all DHI herds in Denmark and carry an ICAR Certificate of Quality from 2019.
RYK serves 2,325 herds with an average of 220 cows. Outside RYK is 51 herds with an average of app. 260 cows.

For more details, you will find more details in the list of files.
Contact RYK for more details

Where we came from 

In the summer of 2020 we celebrated 125 years of organized milk recording in Denmark. 

Two individuals were very important for the start in 1895. Niels Pedersen who saw the need and had the visions, and Emil Konradi, who was selected to carry out the job. Both of them had significant impact on dairy and milk production in Denmark. Pedersen through effort to improve dairies and production facilities and Konradi for his 50 years serving the recording associations and teaching young people to be valuable staff to farmers organization.

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